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Careers & Practice Opportunities

NOTE: The Association of Prosthodontists of Canada in no way expresses any endorsement of the advertisements posted below. Ads are posted as a service to APC members only.


Who we are/Ko wai m?tou

The University of Otago is one of New Zealand’s largest and most research-intensive universities. Founded in 1907, the Faculty of Dentistry is based at the University's main campus in Dunedin and is the only dental school in New Zealand. It is proud of its international reputation for research, clinical, and academic excellence. The 2023 QS World University Subject Rankings list the Dental School as 42nd in the world.

We are committed to working closely with iwi and M?ori organisations, and m?tauraka M?ori has become an integral part of teaching and research across the institution. We especially value our relationship with Ngai Tahu, the mana whenua within their takiw? of Te Waipounamu, and the University's principal Treaty partner.

The role/Te mahi

The Faculty of Dentistry seeks to appoint a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Prosthodontics. This position provides an excellent opportunity for an academic to establish themselves in one of the leading dental schools in the world.

Responsibilities of the role include:
•  Delivering clinical teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
•  Conducting high quality research.
•  Contributing to curriculum design at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
•  Engaging with all disciplines within the Faculty.

You will be supported through a collegial academic environment, an active and dynamic research culture, and through efficient professional services across the University. The Faculty is housed in new, state-of the art facilities. Academic, research and clinical activities are centred around the Walsh Building and Clinical Services Building in Dunedin, with additional satellite clinics in South Dunedin and in Auckland.

Your skills and experience/K? p?keka me k? wheako

The successful applicant will hold a dental degree and a specialist qualification in Prosthodontics, preferably also a higher research degree (PhD or equivalent), and will demonstrate:
•  A track record or potential of internationally peer-reviewed research.
•  Teaching skills at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
•  Ability to provide specialist patient care.
•  A collegial approach.
•  Full understanding of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the University's M?ori Strategic Framework.

You will be a dentist who is registerable with the Dental Council of New Zealand in the specialist scope of Prosthodontics.

Further details/P?roko

This is a permanent, full-time (1.0 FTE) position, located in Dunedin.

Salary range for this position is: Lecturer $92,028 to $112,514/Senior Lecturer $138,548 to $172,693 per annum.

The University of Otago is known for collegiality and combined with living in the vibrant city of Dunedin, provides opportunities for an excellent work-life balance. The Dunedin campus is ranked as one of the 15 most beautiful in the world. The city has affordable living, excellent schools, and a great array of activities, ranging from art and literature to outdoor activities.

The University is committed to meeting its obligations under the Children Act 2014. Candidates who successfully make the final stages of the recruitment process will be required to undergo a safety check.

Specific enquiries may be directed to Associate Professor Peter Cathro, Head of Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Faculty of Dentistry, via the contact details below.


Candidates are requested to submit the following:

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Names and email addresses of at least three referees.

To submit your application (quoting reference number 2400946), visit our careers site.

There is no formal closing date for this position and applications will be considered individually on receipt. The University reserves the right to close this vacancy at any time.


To view all current vacancies and to apply online go to: www.otago.ac.nz/jobs 

Equal opportunity in employment is University policy. E tautoko ana Te Whare Wananga o Otago i te kaupapa whakaorite whiwhinga mahi.






University of Manitoba
Dr. Gerald Niznick
College of Dentistry

Department of Restorative Dentistry

Position No. 33646

Applications are invited for a full-time Probationary (tenure-track) or tenured Assistant Professor / Associate Professor in the Division of Prosthodontics, Department of Restorative Dentistry at the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, University of Manitoba, Canada.  Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.  The appointment will commence on or before January 1, 2024, or as soon thereafter as possible.  

The successful applicant at the rank of Assistant Professor level must have a DDS/DMD degree or equivalent and a certificate or equivalent of Prosthodontics specialty from an accredited postgraduate prosthodontics program. Demonstrated practice experience as well as a Master’s or PhD degree by the time of hire would be an asset. A strong preference for candidates with interest and experience with digital dentistry. Additional preference will be given to candidates with experience in teaching and/or teaching innovation. 

For appointment at the rank of Associate Professor, the applicant will also have experience in teaching at the graduate level, masters-level research experience, mentorship and evidence of a successful dossier in research, including peer-reviewed publications and success in obtaining grant funding. A masters-level degree is the minimal requirement for Associate Professor.  Having a PhD qualification will be an asset.

Applicants must be eligible for licensure in the Province of Manitoba and be either Board Eligible in Canada or be a Fellow in the Royal College of Dentists of Canada see www.rcdc.ca. The candidate must be eligible to register for specialty licence with the Manitoba Dental Association (MDA).

Responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate didactic teaching, undergraduate and graduate clinical instruction and supervision, involvement in service within the Department, College and/or University and the community and/or profession, and participation in research activities.  An extramural practice privilege is available one day per week upon the signing of a Private Practice Agreement.  Please see the link to the organizational structure of the Restorative Dentistry Department at https://umanitoba.ca/dentistry/restorative-dentistry

The Mission of the University and College includes a commitment to Scholarship, Teaching, Research and Service www.umanitoba.ca/dentistry.  The University of Manitoba’s Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry offers a four-year dental degree, a two-year international dentist degree completion program, three-year dental hygiene diploma and six graduate programs.  It has a significant research profile, and a variety of community service activities that has made this institution among the most respected in Canada.


The City of Winnipeg (www.tourismwinnipeg.com), located where the Red and Assiniboine Rivers meet, is recognized for its vibrant, multicultural community and diverse culture. The city, with a growing population of more than 766,000, is home to internationally renowned festivals, galleries and museums, the historic Exchange District and The Forks, and ever-expanding research, education, and business sectors. From the Hudson Bay waters, across the farmland fields, to the pulse of the cities and towns, The Province of Manitoba’s (www.travelmanitoba.com) people and places – its 100,000 lakes, 92 provincial parks, winding river valleys and storied prairie skies – inspire.

The University of Manitoba is committed to the principles of equity, diversity & inclusion and to promoting opportunities in hiring, promotion and tenure (where applicable) for systemically marginalized groups who have been excluded from full participation at the University and the larger community including Indigenous Peoples, women, racialized persons, persons with disabilities and those who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, questioning, intersex, asexual and other diverse sexual identities). All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

An inclusive, open and diverse community is essential to excellence and fosters voices that have been ignored or discouraged. To address the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, and in recognition of the underrepresentation of members of historically and currently excluded groups, we take proactive measures including implicit bias training for all hiring panels. We strive for diversity and cultural safety throughout the hiring process (hiring panels, short-list of candidates, interviews). We encourage you to self-identify any aspect of diversity in your cover letter.

If you require accommodation supports during the recruitment process, please contact UM.Accommodation@umanitoba.ca or 204-474-7195. Please note this contact information is for accommodation reasons only.

Only complete applications will be considered.  Applications must include the following: Curriculum Vitae, statement of career goals, a personal statement on your contributions to equity, diversity and inclusion in your teaching, research, service and other experiences, three letters of reference sent directly from the referees including one from the program director of their speciality program if a recent graduate. Certified copies (if available) of university graduation certificates/transcripts, a certified copy of the applicant’s present licensing authority registration certificate and a Letter of Good Standing from the licensing jurisdiction.  As a requirement for employment in the College of Dentistry, all staff in a clinical setting are required to submit a Criminal Record Check as well as the Child Abuse Registry check at the time of hire.

Application materials, including letters of reference, will be handled in accordance with the protection of privacy provision of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Manitoba).  Please note that curriculum vitae may be provided to participating members of the search committee.

Completed application documents and informal enquiries should be directed to:

Kristjana Oliver
E-mail: kristjana.oliver@umanitoba.ca
D113-780 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 0W2
Phone: (204) 789-3249 Fax: (204) 789-3912

Closing date for applications is: August 31, 2023 and will remain open until the position is filled.


posted 6:00 PM, July 17, 2023




Montréalaise par ses racines, internationale par vocation, l’Université de Montréal compte parmi les 100 meilleurs employeurs du Canada. À l'image de la ville dont elle porte le nom, elle est effervescente et multiculturelle.

L’UdeM récolte annuellement plus d’un demi-milliard de dollars en fonds de recherche, ce qui la positionne parmi les premiers pôles de recherche universitaire canadiens et lui permet de se tailler une place dans le groupe des cinq premières universités de langue française de la planète,

À travers les réalisations des membres de sa communauté, l’UdeM participe à la construction du monde d’aujourd’hui et en formant des étudiantes et des étudiants venus de partout, elle prépare celui de demain.


Professeur.e à temps plein au rang d'adjoint ou agrégé en prosthodontie

Département de dentisterie de restauration, Faculté de médecine dentaire

Le département de dentisterie de restauration de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’Université de Montréal souhaite recruter un.e professeur.e à temps plein au rang d’adjoint ou agrégé en prosthodontie. Le.a professeur.e sera rattaché.e au département de dentisterie de restauration.

À titre de professeur, vous aurez l’occasion de contribuer à la promotion de l’excellence de la Faculté de médecine dentaire. À ce titre, vous :

  • Participerez à l’enseignement théorique, pratique et clinique;
  • Participerez à la recherche;
  • Encadrerez des travaux de recherche des étudiants;
  • Contribuerez au fonctionnement de la Faculté de médecine dentaire;
  • Contribuerez au rayonnement universitaire dans la communauté scientifique et dans la collectivité.

Pour réussir dans ce rôle, vous devez :

  • Détenir un diplôme d’études universitaires de premier cycle en médecine dentaire (DMD) ;
  • Détenir un diplôme d’études universitaires de deuxième cycle résultant d’une formation clinique universitaire en prosthodontie d’une durée minimale de deux (2) ans qui peut avoir été intégrée à un programme universitaire de maîtrise d’une durée minimale de trois (3) ans et ainsi satisfaire à l’exigence décrite au point suivant.
  • Détenir une maîtrise en prosthodontie ou en sciences ; • ou s’engager à obtenir, dans un délai de deux (2) ans, une maîtrise en sciences ou en prosthodontie. Si la maîtrise n’est pas obtenue avant le début de l’entrée en fonction, la personne sera engagée à titre de chargé.e d’enseignement pour une durée maximale de deux (2) ans et non à titre de professeur.e adjoint.e ou agrégé.e;
  • Détenir et maintenir valide un permis d’exercice de membre actif de l’Ordre des dentistes du Québec ;
  • Avoir un dossier disciplinaire en règle avec l’Ordre des dentistes du Québec.
  • Détenir un certificat de spécialiste en prosthodontie de l’Ordre des dentistes du Québec ;
  • Détenir, ou être éligible à détenir la certification du Collège Royal du Canada ou l'équivalent serait considéré comme un atout ;
  • Détenir un PhD serait considéré comme un atout ;
  • Avoir une connaissance suffisante de la langue française ou être déterminé à l’apprendre une fois en poste par l’entremise du programme de soutien à l’apprentissage de la langue française offert par l’UdeM, en vertu de la Politique linguistique de l’Université de Montréal. »;
  • Avoir une connaissance de la langue anglaise.

Comment soumettre votre candidature

Les candidat(e)s doivent acheminer leur curriculum vitae accompagné d’une copie de leurs diplômes, une lettre de motivation et trois lettres de recommandation à :

M. Patrice Milot, directeur
Département de dentisterie de restauration / Faculté de médecine dentaire, UdeM
C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7
Courriel : patrice.milot@umontreal.ca
Site Web: http://www.medent.umontreal.ca/fr/

Plus d’information sur le poste

No d’affichage

FMD 07-23/01

Période d’affichage

Jusqu’au 15 septembre 2023 inclusivement


L’Université de Montréal offre un salaire concurrentiel jumelélé à une gamme complète d’avantages sociaux

Date d’entrée en fonction

Le ou après le 1er décembre 2023